Sunday, January 13, 2013

Make Your Own Scrapbook

I learned how to make scrapbooks in an Early Childhood class in high school 4 years ago my Senior year. My teacher had us use the soft white fluff you can buy to put between fabric for blankets as part of the front and back cover. This made the scrapbooks soft for kids to pick up and have in their rooms.

I skipped this step for my new scrapbook and it works and looks just fine.

Materials needed:

  • 1 yd fabric of choice
  • hot glue gun
  • trinkets (I used keys from an old Forever21 necklace I had)
  • 1inch binder (or whatever size you would like)

I made a frame on the front of my scrapbook for a picture which I have never done before, but I decided to attempt to make worked. :)

To make the frame, the materials include:

  • manila folder
  • plastic page protector

First, simply place the binder onto the fabric and cut around the edges, make sure enough fabric overlaps. It is ok, because there will be a piece of fabric on top to cover the flaps. 

The tricky part is getting the fabric under the center binding. Hot glue the top flap to fit under the top of the binding. 
Once all of the flaps are glued, cut a strip of fabric to slip under the middle binding and glue into place. Make sure it matches the top and bottom of the binding. I know, I know, it's hard to explain. Here is a picture to show the inside of the binder. You will notice the glued flaps are not showing, that is because I glued another square of fabric to each side of the binder to cover up those scrappy glued flaps.

These are some of the pictures I took of it, I'd be happy to explain how to make it...or make a video- they are not that hard to make! Does take a bit of patience though, however I am a perfectionist!!

Have fun, happy crafting!

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