Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Yummy pasta!

  • 4 whole mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 small can of tomato sauce
  • italian seasoning 
  • fresh spinach, roughly chopped
  • dash of salt, pepper
  • 2 tbsp of diced red onion
  • 2 cups Pasta ( I chose veggie shells)
  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • diced tomatoes optional
Simmer mushrooms and spinach in a drizzle of olive oil until mushrooms are slightly brown.
Add salt, pepper and onions. Cook until onions are translucent. Add garlic last, cook for 1 min on low.
Simmer tomato sauce for 1 min. Add cooked/drained pasta and sprinkle with italian seasoning. (Do not over cook seasoning or garlic or else sauce will be bitter).

Instead of making a sauce, buy your favorite sauce at the store.
When I do not feel like being extra cautious about accidentally making the sauce bitter, I "kick up" the flavor of the store bought sauce with fresh spinach, garlic powder and sautéed mushrooms.

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