Friday, January 3, 2014

My Classroom Elf 2013

Here are a few pictures of what my elf Belle, did in my classroom this Holiday season.
When she first arrived, she brought a note with her. At the end of her visit, she left the classroom a goodbye note. My students were so excited to have her visit this year.

My students earn blue tickets for their good behavior in which they can turn in for coupons. We found Belle stamping snowflakes into some tickets!

On this day, Belle wrapped the kids a small ornament as a gift to our class. She ended up wrapping up more than just the ornament!

Today, Belle left a small note... Notice the fun craft we did behind her! I made the kids salt-dough gingerbread men ornaments with twine . They painted them and were able to take them home after their Holiday party. 

On the edge of my desk, Belle went fishing for goldfish. 

This was Belle's last day. She made a small Holiday paper chain and left a goodbye note.

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